CBD is not pot

THC is not CBD

CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are just two of 150 chemical compounds found in cannabis. These compounds are collectively referred to as cannabinoids. CBD is the second most common compound found in cannabis. THC is the most common cannabinoid. It is responsible for the psychoactive effect associated with marijuana.

CBD is not pot

There are 2 main types of cannabis plants: Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa. What we know traditionally as weed, can either be an Indica strain or a Sativa strain. Both Indica and Sativa contain CBD and THC. However, hemp can only be a Cannabis Sativa variety. Because of the nature of both THC and CBD, they don not occur together naturally in large quantities. What this typically means is that since hemp is low in THC it is higher in CBD. In fact, since the 2018 Farm Bill, the legal definition of industrial hemp states that it can contain no more than 0.3% THC. If tests indicate higher than allowable levels of THC, growers may be at risk of prosecution under federal law.

What’s so great about hemp

So, what’s so great about hemp? Answer: literally everything. For hundreds of years, hemp was a main cash crop for Asia, the Americas and Europe. Hemp contains a natural pesticide allowing for organic farming practices not only for the hemp but for other crops planted near by as well. It is also carbon negative; which means that it removes more carbon from the atmosphere than it creates during its lifecycle. Hemp returns nutrients to the soil making it an ideal rotational crop with no fertilization required. Beyond all of that, it is a great resource for making 100% biodegradable, environmentally-friendly products such as clothing, packaging, biofuel, building materials, and paper with the added bonus of being delightfully rich in CBD.

What’s so great about CBD

CBD gets anecdotal credit for relieving numerous medical conditions, including reducing anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms. Many have reported a alleviated discomfort due to ALS, Epilepsy and diabetic complications. it is also a general pain reliver and a neurological and ocular protectant. The list goes on and they have only begun to scratch the surface of the potential benefits of this non-intoxicating cannabinoid. The World Health Organization asserts hemp has no evidence of any serious side effects, abuse or dependence potential, to boot.

Things could have been different

CBD is not pot and it’s really a shame that hemp got such a bad rap in the 1930’s. Our world may have looked very different If we had continued to grow hemp as a renewable resource. We could have potentially avoided cutting down billions of trees for paper and fiber. Maybe we would have developed technologies using hemp bio fuel instead of drilling for oil and gas. Instead of spraying toxic chemicals on our food we could have used hemp’s natural pesticides. Perhaps If we had exploited hemp’s ability to replenish soil nutrients we would have used less chemical fertilizers. We could also be reaping the other side effect of hemp production which is a cleaner atmosphere, with drastically reduced levels of CO2. If all that isn’t enough, we still haven’t realized all the potential health benefits of the CBD produced by hemp.  But, hindsight is 20/20 with or with out CBD.

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